Friday, October 24, 2008

Why I like or don't like Blogging

One advantge of blooging is others can see what we are thinking about and how we feel about oyr books. We can help each other out and bounce ideas off each other. I like the freedome to express myself as a reader and thinker + writer. I can realy put what i think down and see what others have to say,And i can respond to their ideas to. One thing i don't like is when i forget my e-mail it's tricky


Josh Humble said...

yeah i get you i like blogging but then again i think its a waste. but overall i think we binifitted from it.

☼X§Marvin§X☼ said...

Yeah the e-mail should be shorter. Yeah it is cool that we can see what people think about what we said and they might even read the book too

Mr.Treadway said...

yeah i get you i like blogging but then again i think its a waste. but overall i think we binifitted from it.

Dr.Suess said...

blooging for me is a way to connect with other people and help each other with developing ideas